d21lewis said:
We're getting off track. The Wii sold very well due to a combination of great games, innovative hardware, low price, social experiences, and more. It's selling poorer now because it has a successor, and less capable hardware. The 360 is a year older but it was also many times more powerful and can be had for as little as $100, now. None of this has anything to do with the fact that the Wii has lived a full life that several consoles in the past could only dream of and it continues to sell. It's 2012. The Wii came out in 2006. |
The power of the console is irrelevant to the question. If it wasn't a fad it wouldn't be getting outsold 2:1 for over a year now when it was outselling the competitor by at least 3:1 at some stages in its lifecycle, simple as that. There's no sugar coating it. I'm simply answering the question with what I deem to be the most logical approach. I'm quite certain that the NES, SNES, PS1 and PS2 were not so greatly outsold by their competitors on a weekly basis towards the end of their lifecycles.