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Mazty said:
Chrizum said:
Mazty said:
Chrizum said:
Mazty said:
sensebringer said:

Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros. are not core games? Barozi was right. You lack any logic.

If you think they are core games then you obviously have no idea what a core game is. Try one which isn't piss-easy.
Mario Kart has horrendous rubber banding as well as the blue shell. It's about as core as farmville. 
New Super Mario Bros is a simple platformer. It's not quite Portal or Braid is it? A game aimed for children, like NSMB is not a core game, because it has to be accessible to kids. 

Why do you feel the need to alter reality to suit your argument? Is admitting Nintendo made a console for casual gamers so dangerous that the results would be catastrophic for your life? C'mon. 

Are you saying CoD is a "core game" (whatever that means) and Mario and Mario Kart are not? If so, I'm afraid this discussion is over.

Because you're infallible? Okay. 
Since when was mario kart harder the CoD on veteran? How about we compare Mario Kart to Forza and Wipeout? If any of you are PC gamers I'd love to show you how CoD-esque FPS' are core games on a round of Medal of Honor. 

Earlier in the discussion your argument was that Mario and Mario Kart looked like they sold well on first sight, but they don't count because they were bundled. Now you've been handed the facts that both sold over 20 million without bundles and suddenly they don't count whatsoever because they are easier than Call of Duty on veteran.

Now for the million dollar question: you can't be serious, surely?

I concede that when I mentioned them I forgot they aren't core games. Please accept my sincerest apologies for messing that part up. And it's not that they aren't harder then CoD on veteran; they are both incredibly easy. They're childrens games. 

I realise you're not going to say anything within reason for anyone invlolved here so I suggest that you accept that you have your own little truth and the rest of the world has theirs.