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Over at Neogaf in their NPD thread there is a user who receives the NPD data. He often won't post specifics but will give outlines of things. I believe he has been vetted by the mods there as everyone accepts his data. He posted a little chart showing how the hardware compared to each other, but it was missing the DS. So someone asked where the DS would be and he replied above the Vita.

So his chart would be this:
PSP < 50k < Vita < DS < Wii < 100k < 3DS < 150k < PS3 < 200k < 360 
I see Boutros kindly added up Chartz's April and there are some massive differences.
360 288 k vs NPD 236k
PS3 222k vs NPD <200k
3DS 181k vs NPD <150k
Wii 134k vs NPD <100k
DS 70k vs NPD PSV vs NPD So basically 360, PS3, 3DS, Wii all overtracked.

The PS3 and Wii being sub 200 and 100k respectively fits in with MS's statement that they sold 236k and had a 47% marketshare. As this statement means the combined PS3 and wii sales were 266k. Using these figures the Wii has to be between 67k and 99k. Meaning the PS3 was between 167k and 199k.

However most important is that the PSV and DS are totally messed up. If the 70K for DS is right then Vita is sub 70k.

Oh also thank you Thesource for explaining the difference regarding the games. Very good of you.

EDIT: Bah took so long writing the post others wrote it first lol.

Turkish says and I'm allowed to quote that: Uncharted 3 and God Of War 3 look better than Unreal Engine 4 games will or the tech demo does. Also the Naughty Dog PS3 ENGINE PLAYS better than the UE4 ENGINE.