Crystalchild said:
owch. i can only speak for myself, and i actually wrote a review (in german) pointing out that there are a lot of little issues, capable of holding the game back, but i fell in love with it eventually. I take that you had high expectations for it beeing a Sakaguchi-made title? In regards of his former works, TLS cant hold up, but i didnt expect a Final Fantasy, neither did i expect a Lost Odyssey - and i was rewarded with a refreshing experience. But again, i can only speak for myself, looking at your Avatar it reminds me of high utterly dissapointed i was with FFXIII. So yeah, tastes differ, but i still stand by my statement that people should give it a look. (i didnt want anyone to buy it outright! PS: i loved FFXIII-2 though. Even if it was mainly for Caius. He's just awesome. Oh and the soup was sweetened by (major spoiler for FFXIII-2) Serah's death, actually. up until the ending, i hated her eversame face-expression, which only (and then) in the CGI, showed what an believable and sympathic character she COULD have been. |
I'm not critizing you for enjoying The Last Story. My expectations were normal for The Last Story until I read some of the reviews from various websites. I didn't expect TLS to be similiar to any of his previous titles like FF or LO. I found TLS a fun game from the gameplay aspect but everything else ranging from characters, main story and setting, soundtrack, and technical performance(frame rate) to be downright mediocre to terrible. I didn't hate everything about the game, I wished Nintendo gave Mistwalker more time to polish TLS along with a different group of writers for the characters and story.