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Entroper - or MS can launch in 2011, save alot of cash on R&D expenses (since the R&D cycle will be much longer, thus stretching the costs over a 6 year span), and still have the X720 out years before the PS4.

Sony wants a "future proofed" Playstation to go 7 years before a succuessor launches in 2012 or 2013 - MS can deliver a much, much superior system in 2011 and wind up with a huge marketshare against the Playstation 3/4.

Merely because MS has yet again learned more about the console market, and it's shortcomings with the 360: RRODs held it back, but has realized that exclusives and strong first party sales will help continue Microsoft's erosion of Sony's control of the Core gaming market.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.