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Ah, but really, it's all paradoxical to our limited understanding.  There's only so far we can take our arguments before our human reasoning breaks down.  So I wouldn't even claim to understand it all.  I believe I've come to a logically consistent view of God, but even that is as imperfect a view as can exist.  I (and any other person who looks) cannot begin to comprehend the magnitude, power, abilities, and motivations of that sort of being.  We're just not equipped to do it.

Again, I think He already sees it all.  Time, in my reckoning, is nothing more than an artificial construct for us.  If God were constrained to linearity, then he wouldn't be omniscient, and then flawed.  It's all a matter of perspective.

As for the rock...  it's unliftable until He decides that He can lift it.  ;)  At some point, everything we believe becomes a paradox, religious or not.

EDIT:  I'll also add that God is still shaping the future.  Or present, for Him.  There are certain outcomes that are set in stone.  We know this to be true.  However, there is freedom for us along the way to make decisions that affect our own path through life.  But in the end, there is only one choice that is important to God.  Do we follow Him, or do we not?  That's what it comes down to.  I'd argue that everything we go through is a means to that end.  It is to create a being that has the choice to not glorify Him, but does so (imperfectly, but does) anyway.  In the end, God is in control.  God is even in control when he allows us to make our own choices, for it is His control that allows us to exist and make those choices.  Is it paradoxical?  Yes.  But the very definition of a paradox is a "seeming contradiction".  It doesn't mean that it is a contradiction.