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Why is there no decent Pokémon game for the Wii? The Pokémon Franchise had a great success on Handhelds, and was one of the best Gamboy/DS games ever. But except of Pokémon Stadium for the N64 there where no decent 3D Pokémon games. I don´t see a reason why Nintendo should not make a Pokémon game for the WiiU. They could remake the first 3 games(Blue,Yellow,Red), with 3D graphics, a new battle system and the original 150 Pokémon. And add something like an online Arena where people could fight each other, after they beat the game. And implement some kind of crossplay with the DS or 3DS like Pokémon Stadium had. And I think a game like that would be a total system seller for the WiiU if it´s good.


So what do you think guys? Would like this too, or do you think that I have my god damn mind?