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God is almighty, and He has every single ability that one may think of. This obviously includes the ablity to see the future, to flawlessly predict everything that will happen in this universe. God is aware of everything.

This makes you wonder though: If God really is almighty, then doesn't He already know who will end up in heaven and who will end up in hell? Would He not be able to predict every single good deed and sin that you will commit throughout your life, even before you were born? I mean, how could He not know?

As I see it, God is currently watching us go through happiness and misery just for the hell of it. He knows exactly how evil will affect all humans involved and He has the ability to stop it. He already knows how every single human will use their free (yet, by God, predictable) will, so it's not up to us to do anything about our situation.

Our fate is in God's hands. Period.

Know about, and architecting a situation are two separate things.  Here is something for you:  Is it not possible, if God can do anything, to design the universe so everything ends up the way that God would want, while people have sufficient autonomy to show true character and their nature, and have the ability to change who they are?  Is it entirely possible, that even in the suffering, it is possible that that could work for a greater good?  In other word, local autonomy with global deterministic outcome.

If you want to ponder the part of human suffering further, read the Book of Job, if you haven't already.

From a logical standpoint, what you are getting into is paradoxes regarding prediction.  If you can totally see the future with 100% certainty, does that means that you can't change it.  A paradox side to this is people want to see the future with absolute certainty so they can avoid bad things happening (or in some cases make wagers to benefit from the outcome).  At that point, then the predicting ends up being useless.   Beyond this, if accepted, then the idea is that people want to put them in the center of the universe, so what they can do will generate outcomes they desire, with absolute certainty, so they can be able to run things as they like.