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BasilZero said:
Jay520 said:
BasilZero said:
Jay520 said:
BasilZero said:
No such thing as "Fair" in this world/dimension we live in, besides boredom isnt a legit excuse for not wanting to exist or whatnot.

I guess the saying "You wont know the value of what you had until you lose it" (or w/e the actual quote is/was) could come into this situation, unfortunately if it did occur, than I guess it wouldnt matter since you wouldnt exist o.O.

@WiiBox3 - I like your comment and agree with it ;o.

No such thing as fair in this universe? But God created it? So if God didn't create anything fair, he is not fair.

Yeah, it would matter.

Just because God created it , doesnt mean its guaranteed to be fair, nothing is perfect in this "World". What may be not fair to you may be considered fair to another person, say for an example a game designer making a really difficult game, do you think its unfair for him or her to make such a game?

Remember, we're talking about people that DON'T want to live forever. How is it fair that they are FORCED to live forever. Espescially considering they never asked God to create them. And it's all even worse when God KNEW that they wouldn't want to liive at all, let alone forever, yet he created them anyway.

Like I said in my previous post, what makes you think is unfair might be just and fair for others especially in a other worldy being such as God. Just because you didnt want to be born/exist doesnt mean a creator is unjust, it just means your existence has meaning for something, what that something is, I dont know, it will be up to you on whatever decisions you make in your life, because in the end whatever you do will not only affect you but others as well.

Also wouldnt you agree that "Living" is just a child's term given to humans so they can relate to how they will exist in a afterlife, just because you are in a afterlife doesnt mean you are "living". You could probably be burning in hell, co-existing in heaven, or being in a endless abyss sleeping for all eternity and dreaming of another world or whatever other afterlifes there are out there.

Okay, maybe I'm not explaining myself well enough. If Jack doesn't want a conscious, isn't it unfair that a just God would make him have one? This isn't subjective. It's not a matter of opinion. Mary may want to live, but she can still understand Jack's situation. And she can still understand why it's not fair that's he's forced into something he didn't ask for & doesn't want to be in. I'm not asking is it unfair that we are all giving a conscious. I'm asking is it unfair that those who don't want one are giving it forever. This should have easily been avoided since God is supposedly just and he knows what these people want.