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God is almighty, and He has every single ability that one may think of. This obviously includes the ablity to see the future, to flawlessly predict everything that will happen in this universe. God is aware of everything.

This makes you wonder though: If God really is almighty, then doesn't He already know who will end up in heaven and who will end up in hell? Would He not be able to predict every single good deed and sin that you will commit throughout your life, even before you were born? I mean, how could He not know?

As I see it, God is currently watching us go through happiness and misery just for the hell of it. He knows exactly how evil will affect all humans involved and He has the ability to stop it. He already knows how every single human will use their free (yet, by God, predictable) will, so it's not up to us to do anything about our situation.


Our fate is in God's hands. Period.

If god is almighty and can 100% predict the future, I'd be rather interested in knowing why he allowed that 6 year old girl to be raped in Amsterdam last week.

If he was real and I'd die and meet this al knowing person the only thing I'd have for him was a middle finger. Sorry, but it's the truth... I wonder if he'd strike me down, him being so mighty and all to predict that I would give him the finger...