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Most people aren't conscious at all, but living completely within the human made "matrix", the artificially crafted world, as opposed to the living, breathing world, nature. Humans are consciousness having an experience in the physical reality however. It's up to us all to decide what level of consciousness we will practice in our daily life.

The question of the existence of a Creator is answered through sacred geometry, old philosophers and mathmaticians like Pythagoras and Plato, and quantum mechanics. To research "phi" would be a good way to start. The answer is: The universe is a construct of ultimate consciousness. There is divine order everywhere in nature and the universe. The old principle is valid: As above, so below.

"If God did not exist, he would have to be invented." But all nature cries aloud that he does exist: that there is a supreme intelligence, an immense power, an admirable order, and everything teaches us our own dependence on it."  ~Voltaire




So to answer your question: I think being conscious is a gift only to young children, and a practice for grown ups. The more you let your higher consciousness reign over your physical expression (body), the more you are blessed.

"Veritas et Fidelitas"