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ArnoldRimmer said:
The perception of afterlife, god, heaven, hell etc. of most people in this thread is obviously heavily influenced by typical western christian belief.

If your perception of "god" and "afterlife" is starting to become uncomfortable or simply not credible, maybe it's time to alter your perception.

When someone says that they believe or don't believe in god for example, what does that mean except that the person who said so believes or rejects his very own perception of the word "god"?

For example, when most western people hear the word "god", they automatically think of some kind of human-like being, something like an old man sitting on a cloud having a beard. They have a certain perception of the word "god" that they got from their parents, people around them, the priests in church, the guys who made the movies they watched or the Wikipedia-article on "god" (revision 1234567, last modified by user bick_dick_79).
And then they feel very clever rejecting their own ridiculous perception of the word "god"...

"So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him-"

Genesis 1:27

Also, stop assuming that atheists don't know about the Christian God.

i am sorry, but you can't take that from bible and assume is literal. we were made in his image, meaning we are perfect in our way, we have all the things we need to live is this world. God don't need air, food, hydration, a material body or a image. He is not visible, He is every were...

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