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Your presenting the immortality is a disease postulate. That once you have learned everything, felt everything, and just done everything. You will suffer from a severely depressive tedium as you then will never know novelty ever again. I see your point of view, and raise you the paradox of the horizon. You can see the horizon, and even go all of the way to that horizon, but all you will find for your trouble is that there is a new horizon. Just as there is no real good reason at all to believe that existence is limited. There is no good reason that in your own mind you will be in any way limited by what you can conceive.

Why believe that either existence out or within yourself for that matter would be limited when you have seen no evidence for that actually being the case. If you were to be immortal why believe that you would be so limited. Not to mention if you were so limited given the scope of existence I got news for you. Your mind would never be able to hold everything, and you would forget what you knew in the distant past. Making those things both novel, and new once again.

Why be fixated by a static world view. When all you have ever know is a world that is always changing.