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TadpoleJackson said:
insomniac17 said:

Ponies are awesome.

I've stuck around the site for so long because I find the community to be much better than pretty much any other gaming site I've tried. I was gone for a few months a while back when I lost interest, but things have gotten a bit more interesting lately, so I came back.

I don't care much for sales anymore, though. Maybe because they just aren't interesting right now and maybe I'll be more interested with a PSV price cut or new console releases, but right now... eh.

There isn't anything I really hate about the site. Maybe the current design. Specifically, that the number of members/guests online is at the bottom of the page. You know, the part that I never go to. I'm lazy, and that's a ton of scrolling! Grr.

That they are

yeah, I left for a while too. Really only came back for the community. But if the pony thread dies off in the off season, I'll probably end up leaving again till the new season. Since most of the people I talk to here I have in various chat programs. 

I'm going to make sure that the pony thread doesn't die during these difficult times of waiting for the new season :p

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~