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TheProphet said:

We know that the universe and time were created from NASA. From the universe is 13.7 billion years old at the right. Therefore at the left of the time scale the time is zero, the beginning of time.

If you are nausiated by the logic of a creator then where did everything come from. Are you saying that everything came from nothing, and that intelligence came from the rocks of primordial earth? This is nothing more than denial. It's your right to believe anything you want. Howver, over 90 percent of people agree with me. 

Quote from the NASA site:
"A representation of the evolution of the universe over 13.7 billion years. The far left depicts the earliest moment we can now probe, when a period of "inflation" produced a burst of exponential growth in the universe..."

The far left depicts the earliest moment we can probe. It appeares that it originated from nothing, but did it really?

Your theory claims that god made everything and that we should stop looking since there is nothing past this that can explain it. Others think differently and keep looking. We can see from history that every time someone claimed that we know all there is to know, they were gravely mistaken. To think that you live in the time where we reached the limit of new things to observe is a mistake. To draw conclusions about the universe from the small amount of information that we could soo far observe is also a mistake.

I found this, must be an interesting read:

(will read it later, no time now)