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Legend11 said:
__XBrawlX__ said:

I created this tread so that if theres any thing that you think microsoft will be doing, you can metion it here and get feed back. Also, If any one suggests it, I will make a Nintendo and Sony "Do you think..." Thread.

First question of this thread, who else believes that if the PS3 does over take the 360 in wwsales, microsoft will once again release the xbox360's sucessor a year early, like they did with 360?

Also if you wish to ask another question, make sure you contribute to one of the questions before that, and state which question you are talking in regards to.

No it's pretty much a given that they plan on having a long lifecycle for the 360.  If the 360 falls behind they will likely just have a price drop.  I expect though that they will have a price drop in April and it will lead to the PS3 and 360 having the same level of sales for the rest of 2008.

i think microsoft will put out a new system if they fall behind. but i do think they want the 360 to ast a lot longer then the xbox so mab 2010 or 2011  max till xbox 3.

as for the price drop sony will follow as microsoft sales improve. sony will not let microsoft sales beat it by not dropping the price.