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What I am going to say is probably going to outrage a few people, but I applaud the one child law that China has put in place. Population growth is a problem globally, and I am supportive about at least one major government taking the problem seriously. When I look at some other countries in Southeast Asia, and in Africa all I can see is one giant cluster fuck on the horizon. Thinking about epidemics, starvation, and ecological catastrophe.

In other words if this is a side effect then its one that I am able to live with. It isn't that I hate babies, or like the idea of babies being killed. Especially to support a idiotic, and obviously superstitious, or pseudo scientific drug trade. I am just not seeing the absurd exception as an excuse to stop doing something that on the whole will be of great benefit for the people in China, and the world for that matter.

On the bright side maybe the people idiotic enough to scarf down these pills will get what they deserve. There is a very good reason not to eat other human beings, and that is Spongiform Encephalopathy also known more commonly as mad cow. Then again anyone cold blooded enough to cook dead babies into drugs is just as likely to cut sad drugs with some nasty filler. No empathy whatsoever for taking let alone buying this crap. Then again like others have said I am just not shocked by this at all. This is after all the region of the world that is more then happy to wipe out rhinos to get boners.