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pezus said:
Jay520 said:
I always wondered what difference there would make if there were a god.

The universe is really big. And really old. Lots of shit has happened/is happening that we don't know about. Who's to say there wasn't some being created? Who's to say that being wasn't powerful? Who's to say that powerful being wasn't self-aware? Who's to say that self-aware, powerful being wasn't also aware of everything there is to know?

Hell, for all we know, the universe IS god. Yep, let's just say that. The universe is god. Seems plausible to me.

But of course, that deviates from most Earthly definitions of god.


Actually, now that I think about & after skimming that, the universe = God does sound absurd. If God = Universe, doesn't that defeat the purposing of God existing in the first place? Why come up with the name "God" at all? Why not just call it the universe?

There seems to be a religion based around anything. There may actually be a few religions that some athiests fit into.