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happydolphin said:
Viper1 said:

2nd party refers to a 3rd party game that Nintendo publishes (think Geist from n-Space).  Stuff like Perfect Dark and Conker's Bad Fur Day would still be considered first party.  But obviously they are not part of the Japanese EAD teams.   Same with Disaster: Day Of Crisis being developed my Monolith Soft.  It's first party but not from the EAD teams.  

Project H.A.M.M.E.R. was being developed by Nintendo Software Technology; one of their US development teams.  And because it was canceled, we have no idea what the ESRB would have rated it though having played the early build at E3 I suspect no higher than 'T'.

What are you talking about?? Rare, Silicon Knights, those studios are what we called and have always called 2nd party studios, until they are completely absorbed by Nintendo.

So no, he was right, those were 2nd party games.

----------------------------------------- EDIT -----------------------------------------

I have to clarify this... Apparently there is no such thing as a 2nd party developer... it's a misnomer and always has been, apparently.
"It is colloquially used in reference to a type of first or third-party developer that specializes in development for a particular platform."

But since Rare was never acquired by Nintendo, it was still a 3rd party developer:

"First-party developers may either use the name of the company itself (like Nintendo), have a specific division name (like Sony's Polyphony Digital), or have formerly been an independent studio before being acquired by the console manufacturer, such as Rare or Naughty Dog.[1]"

The mention of Rare here is in the case of Microsoft, as Nintendo never fully acquired Rare

So Perfect Dark would, by the same colloquialism, be called a 2nd party game during the time of the N64, during which time Rare would colloquially be called a 2nd party developer. If Geist is 2nd party (by colloquialism), then so was Perfect Dark for the N64.

Nintendeo owned 49% of Rare which was a controlling share.  That made them first party, not 3rd party or, colloquially, 2nd party.

Nintendo doesn't fully own GAme Freak, who make the Pokemon games.  Would you then say that Pokemon is not first party?

The rEVOLution is not being televised