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With all due respect to Ricky Gervais, the points he makes are not really new and they are nothing that has not been thought of before by Christian thinkers left right and centre. Having thought of such objections or pointers such Christian thinkers have not wilted away in defeat and self-castigation: rather they have considered interesting answers to all such questions.
Now, this does not make them necessarily right - especially from the point of view of a seeker - but the idea that somehow Christians have not met and considered and answered each and every criticism possible is a little silly. By Christians, I don't mean each and every Christian one may meet - many would find various criticisms or questions hard to answer - but certainly Christian philosophers, theologians etc have.

It is important for any mind emerging into the world of ideas to realise that there have been plenty of minds just like yours before and they have usually considered anything you might have considered and thought possible (or not). People really need to stop assuming they are making brilliant and amazingly deep points. If you really want to find out whether Christianity (or indeed some other worldview is true) then find its strongest proponents and thinkers and its strongest arguments and defenses. Until then, one has no claim to speak authoritatively on matters they haven't really investigated properly. That includes the comedian Ricky Gervais. Love the guy, would advise him to confront real thinkers rather than strawmen (that's one does if one is actually properly and really interested in truth).