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Excellent article and thanks for sharing.

I hope many Christians read this.

I have, and do think it was well written.  I've also seen many other well-written articles  that were written by people of faith ;).

That being said, don't fully agree with it, but it did make some decent points.  

I do think his mother was a poor defender, seeing as how if someone questioned my beliefs (actually some of my good friends who are Atheists/Agnostics have questioned me, and we have had intelligent discussions, which involved no name-calling ;) ), I would not say "shut up."

I also don't say nor think that Christianity "owns" good virtues, and I don't believe Atheism, Islam, Judaism, etc own it either, but to say that it can't contriubte, I think is just ludicrous.


I do question why you single out Christians though :?.