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ddobson wrote:

>>If the PS3 upscaled to 1080i (my vintage 2000 set doesn't handle 720p or 1080p)


I doubt your tv can handle 1080i if it doesn't handle 1080p. (i.e., your tv probably does not allow for 1920 dots horizontally, much less the vertical resolution).

My understanding is that 1080i is a broadcast standard, and HDTV's can either handle it properly (with 1080p displays), or accepts the 1080i signal and properly distort it to fit the lower resolution.

My TV is 720p and has a TRUE RESOLUTION of 1366x732, and although it advertises 1080i, 1366 screen points vertically cannot display 1920 dots.

If you upscale to 1080i for your particular TV, you will be distorting it up to 1080i signal, and then your TV will distort it back down to probably 480p.  Personally, I don't think all that extra distorting actually helps quality.