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StokedUp said:
I'll be getting dragons dogma aswell for PS3. It looks really good and I like how reviewers are saying it feels like an adventure!

'tis the very reason i look forward to it, from what i saw so far, it really looks like i could lose myself in this world.

@topic: playing Monster Hunter 3 on Wii atm. i didnt think i'd play that one again, but a friend of mine (the guy who actually persuaded me to buy it in the first place) is totally in it (once again.. xD he really loves that franchise), and we're cooping the hell out of it. i am only hunterlevel 25 right now, since i can't play MH for more than 2-3 hours per day (for some reason, i feel kinda exhausted after i've slain a couple of Beasts) but its really really fun to play right now, moreso after we've found out that we can use keyboards with the Wii... yes, we communicated by typing with the remote until recently.. *laughs*

What pissed me off today:

i did a Quest without him today, and - of course - 3 randoms joined. i looked at them, they all had decent gear, and so i decided to pick the Quest where you have to Kill Diablos/Diaboros (Or however he's called in other versions), i never fought him before, and they looked like they already did., so i was pretty confident that they could compensate my lack of experience...

Okay, a couple of minutes later, we stood in the desert, and it looked kinda weird to me that 2 of them didnt join the fight immediately, but i thought of nothing bad, bashing my sword onto that damn Dragon, together with the fourth random... this continued for like 20 Minutes, and we were doing pretty good, i was pretty capable of dealing damage without getting hit too much, but i was preeetty pissed off that those 2 guy's still just stood in the beginning Area, and so i typed a simple "where the heck are you guys, come down and aid us" while evading Dia's attacks... No response. And then, like 35 Minutes in, the Sidequest which required that you break something of him was completed, and he was hobbling away from us, a sign to me that the fight would be finished soon, even if it was just for us 2... little did i know, one of those DAMN guys that didnt fight but just stood there in another Area ENDED THE QUEST (Which is possible after a Sidequest Objective is completed, the rewards will be ABYSMAL then though) .... ruining more than half an hour of sweat and tears, and the battle would have been actually won if those assholes didnt just call it a day.... i wanted to unleash a shitstorm over them, but they leaved the room before i was done typing...

This is the first time i literally wanted to punch someone in the face that badly because of a game.

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!