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On the subject of energy, the cleanest energy are straight renewable emission free resources. Wind, tidal, geo-thermal, hydro, tidal and solar. Those are all extremely clean and sadly somewhat inefficient (Though hydro solar and wind are making some fairly large advances).

However nuclear fusion power falls into a nifty second tier of its own where the resource is so large that it is considered renewable (it would take ~1 billion years for us to use it all) and the emissions are fairly easy to deal with. However nuclear power does come with the risk of another Chernobyl type disaster which will always exist and is not confined to the Soviet Union as some believe (Three Mile Island occurred in Canada and was by mere chance not a Chernobyl, that partial core meltdown could have been so much worse).
Fusion has more advantages and more risks than fission but is by far the smarter choice in the long run, they just need to get the actual technique for running the reactors a bit more refined so they actually produce energy rather than use it.

Personally I would prefer for my country (New Zealand) to stick to the first tier resources for two reasons - 1. Its part of NZ's national identity, 2. We would be absolutely fucked by a nuclear disaster due to our size.