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The screenshots are amazing and show just how much of a upgrade they are from the first Resistance.

Yes, we cannot prove that they are actual in game visuals or even touched up rendered cut-scenes, but my head says that these are from the actual in game engine.

The lighting is quite a bit better as well.  I don't see what the problem is with the textures and models.  Graphically it's pretty much up there with the best especially considering how big the environments are.

I don't see the comparison with Halo 3 to be honest.  Halo 3 looks closer to the original Resistance than this one.

Also, I wouldn't put to much emphasis on the fact that these screens at 1080, I would be shocked if Insomniac can get the game playing at that level of detail, lighting and at least 30fps at 1080.  Although I wouldn't totally rule it out TBH.

Also on a final note.  It will take years for developers to generally get the most out of the PS3.  It is a brand new platform that requires a totally new way of coding and game implementation.  I honestly see huge differences in games over the coming years.  Just look at Uncharted and Killzone 2 for examples, they are exclusive games that both look pretty much as good as anything on any console so far and both developers have stated that there is always room for improvement.  Especially Naughty Dog, you have stated that they have just touched on the power of the PS3.

One thing that is for sure, is that all the other developers including the multiplatform developers will need to step up a gear, or they will be left in the shadows. 

Prediction (June 12th 2017)

Permanent pricedrop for both PS4 Slim and PS4 Pro in October.

PS4 Slim $249 (October 2017)

PS4 Pro $349 (October 2017)