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I'm still trying to figure out what the point of this is. Even if he were right and Brawl would do better on the PS3/360 (which I actually disagree with completely) its not as if it would ever come to those consoles...Nintendo would never put the newest game in one of its biggest franchises on a competitors box.

So the only reason I can see is to try and create a situation where he can say "see I told you so" later. Which makes sense since there was no numerical prediction. He just says "The sales will be good but not as good as they could be.". Which of course doesn't say anything since no matter how well it sells he will just say that it would have done better on the 360 or PS3.

He made a prediction he can't lose because nobody can ever prove him wrong. Even if Brawl sells 40m on the Wii and shatters records he can always say "Well it would have done better on the PS3 and 360. The only way for him to be provably wrong is if the sales of Brawl are higher than the PS3 + 360...but even then he can just say the sales of those consoles were lowered because they didn't have the game etc...

Basically folks, he sees that this game is going to be huge and in preperation for defending his argument he has set up a goal line that he can keep moving back so that he never has to admit he was wrong.

PS - As far as the supposed developer comments are concerned, if he had conviction in his comments he would attach his name to them so that he could reap the benefits down the line. The only reason to hide the name is to hedge bets...or the more likely scenario here is that there is no dev and he is just lying to support his horribly flawed arguments.


To Each Man, Responsibility