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Cold Light said:
I'm not sure if GT5 would cross 10m line, but it definitely has a chance to do it. Anyway, 8.5m copies are absolutely guaranteed and it's very good sales. And I think it will be better to release GT6 in the launch window of PS4. This thing will be a very long-selling title.

As for CoD, I don't even know what to say about it. Black Ops 2 is already 100% 10m seller. It also the first CoD in years which really attract my personal attention because of its futuristic setting. Sci-Fi will be a nice medium for a game like CoD.

8.5 million is garanteed for the end of this year... GT5 already sold 500k this year... more 1 million for 8.5m is easy at 25k per week (without holidays boost).