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Avinash_Tyagi said:
Why would you need the gun, attack the arm wielding the knife, he'll drop the knife and then you can kick his but

I love when people assume fending off someone with a knife only requires "attack the arm wielding a knife." It's really not that easy. To show this, find a friend and give him a red marker, and tell him to act like its a knife. Most likely you will have atleast a few red marks, most of which would either disable you or kill you. That's under the best case scenario where you aren't scared whitless from being attacked by a guy with a knife.

The guy who said he would "shoot the hand with the knife" hahahahhaa. Seriously? You're going to shoot a small target moving in 3 dimensionsional space as he runs toward you? And you're going to hit him and only him, and somehow prevent the bullet from passing through his hand and going god knows where? You're nuts, and if you did that would go to jail. When you discharge a firearm in self defense, you are required to shoot to kill - kneecapping or in this case, shooting wildly at a guy's moving hand would not count.

I guess I am sort of special here, since it appears I'm the only person who actually has a concealed weapon permit, and have actually shot a gun before. If I was firing in self defense with a .40S&W, I would fire at least 3 shots at center mass, as even a trained marksman is not stupid enough to go for a headshot at a running target. if I had a secondary clip I would probably have unloaded the the first clip and reloaded, keeping the gun trained on him until police arrived. If that makes me a 'redneck' so be it. I'd rather not think I am some kind of world class self defense expert who can somehow gain superhuman accuracy, or superhuman reactions to defend myself and my family from a guy with a knife barehanded.

 Edit: a .40S&W is a bullet, not a handgun. My concealable is a Wlather P99-C .40S&W, subcompact handgun, and is quite small. It only only holds 7 rounds, but is quite small. The bullet itself is much bigger than a 9mm, and for good reason - it has more stopping power, and can penetrate kevlar.