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KillerMan said:
I have never unterstood why some people leave sites completely. It's not like forums are your work that you have to do eight hours per day. You could still post from time to time. Maybe it's just me.

Seece posted so much here it WAS like a job.  I'm not an extremely active poster that starts threads with time consuming research like he did.  And while he was getting more and more cranky, I can understand when some posters are so unreasonable here.  You start to ask yourself "why do I bother????".  So maybe he just needed a clean break from something that was taking up so much time in his life but was not bringing him any joy.

I used to look forward to E3 time here, but now I dread it as the last couple of years have just been unbearable discussions that lasted months.  Then as sales become more competitive it just gets emotional and cruel.  When financials are released it just gets even worse.  So my name just isn't one that's seen much anymore either.  Still, shame about all of this, as his passion for truth actually was great.  He'll be missed.