StokedUp said: OK guys so im seriously thinking of buying a PS vita either today or this week. There's just a couple of questions ive got. -will my CURRENT PSP games play on it? they are on the UMD discs. also a few downloaded ones or will i have to rebuy (which will be a killer). The ones im bothered about are Persona 3 portable(UMD) Valkyria chronicles 2(UMD) and Final Fantasy 7(download) -can you transfer PSP saves over to the PSVITA? Thanks my RPG buddies |
the bad news you will have to buy your umd games off the store and no ps gameswork on the Vita yet , the good news persona 3 does if you buy it off the store not sure about valkyrie chronicles as to PSP saves ?
EDIT . valkyrie chronicle 2 does work , I bought it in digital form when it came out and just now downloaded on too the Vita , it although it says psp only it works fine just like gran turismo a lot of psp games work on Vita that haven't been accredited for it so it is a bit hit or miss.
Research shows Video games help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot