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A 299.99$ price tag is the cheapest Nintendo can afford to sell the console at. A 349.99$ price tag is fully plausible if the hardware is 2.5-5x the power of 360. Also 3DS's price is hardly the reason for its failure, the lack of software was a major blow. Had Nintendo launched with at least 12 first party titles in the launch window and all 30 announced third party games launch window then the hardware would have sold considerably better. Of course hardware costs did play a role but if Nintendo had the software my bet is 3DS would be slightly less successful then DS was in its first year. Nintendo's choice to use Nintendogs as a flagship title with only Pilot Wings and a new IP to support it and very few third party titles let alone many of high quality, was a dire mistake!

I suspect Nintendo will have no problem selling 10-million WiiU's at 350$ let alone 300$ if Nintendo has the kind of first and third party lineup we expect.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer