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Kasz216 said:
zgamer5 said:
Kasz216 said:
zgamer5 said:
Kasz216 said:
Twisted treeline? Who the heck plays Twisted Treeline?

I started playing LOL a couple months ago. Just started playing ranked last week.

I am... awful.

8/11 1142 ELO.

Mostly focused on Support/Jungle because well that's what nobody ever wants to play EVER. Everyone rushes to solo top funny enough.

Kaszian is my Screen Name.

Also a Warwick calling Panethon OP? I mean, I jungle Warwick all the time just because Warwick is easy as hell to play as.

See the rage of the LoL community has got to you a bit too ha.

what many people don't understand is that just because you are 30 doesn't mean you should play ranked.


riot does not prepare you to ranked games, as people play god damn blind pick and then go in ranked and play things like twitch and other not viable champs. i suggest you take a break from ranked and play some normal draft mode, it will help you become better. playing jungle at low elos is very good, play champs like udyr,mundo,maokai alistar and focus on ganking early on, that will definately make the game easy as people don't buy wards and they push without preparing for a gank. if they flash wait a minute then go back and gank, this time they will die.



unless your shyvana you should always be trieng to gank. early on top lane is very vulnerable so lee sin, udyr and mundo have devastating level 2 ganks. even if they are not overextended if you have cc you can tower dive, and their health doesnt matter, as going to a lane and disrumpting the enemy helps your team. the point of ganks is not to get kills but to give an advantage to your laner and that is why constantly camping top lane will snowball extremely hard.

if you have a good ping i suggest you try alistair a bit and then play him in rank, just look up a guide on and youl learn fast how to play him. he has the best level 2 ganks and you can make their laners suffer. 

Being in 3rd place never felt so good