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sales2099 said:
theprof00 said:


I expect better, sales. To be a troll, you need to troll the other company...not your own

lol I dont care what you seem to think I know most people would recognize a Grunt over Parappa any day. In fact I hope MS gets the idea from this and makes a Halo/Gears or preferably just a Halo fighting game. No BS 2nd rate franchises. Now that would be fan service. 

You really don't understand the concept of Smash-like games, do you? It's the whole point of having characters from many franchises battling each other. Smash Bros. would be boring if it was just Mario universe characters. These games are a celebration of the company's history, that's why Smash has Mr. Game & Watch, Ice Climbers and Pit, characters that come from the NES era (and before) and that's why PaRappa fits perfectly in here.

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