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RolStoppable said:
Conegamer said:
Pavolink said:
Honestly, I don't believe DQX will boost hardware, especially the Wii. Maybe a 800k FW combined (Wii-Wii U versions) and a 80k boost for both consoles.

800k? U MAD? You know how big Dragon Quest is in Japan, right? Even selling double that combined would be classed as a horrific failure...


We know too little. I expect it'll launch this year, or early next, but we really have nothing to go on :/

Final Fantasy used to sell over two million copies per iteration with ease. Then XI came and pulled off 150-200k. That's lifetime, not first week.

Why is this important? Because Dragon Quest X will try to shift the focus to online gaming. In its current state, DQ X isn't of much use to Nintendo. It's destined to be a failure, unless the Japanese mentality has changed dramatically in the last ten years. Sales of Monster Hunter are a strong sign that this isn't the case though.

Final Fantasy XI is not a good example as it was also on PC and that's where it sold the most. If you played the PS2 version you needed a hard drive and a network adapter.