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Oh, and another story I just remembered from undergrad.

I had an 8AM computer science class my freshman year that was God awful boring. The professor was cool and all but he was just so monotone and that didn't work at 8AM especially in an intro CS class.

Anyways, this wasn't a normal classroom, it was morel like your science lab with long tables and normal chairs that could be moved around sitting at the tables. So I was sitting in the back row trying to keep my head up so I wouldn't fall asleep. I decide to lean my chair back to help keep me awake which worked for a little while.

I don't know how many of you experienced this, but have any of you ever done the thing where you know you're about to fall asleep so your head droops forward and then swing your head back as soon as you realize your about to fall asleep? Well, that's what I was doing every minute or so and I know the professor noticed but neither of us really cared.

So at one point I was leaned pretty far back in my chair to where I was almost touching the back wall. I feel my head drooping forward so I swing my head back hard to try to wake myself up.


I bang my head loud and hard into the wall behind me. The professor stops and looks at me and the entire class turns and looks at me. I didn't hurt myself since I have a pretty hard head but damn it was pretty embarrassing.