zgamer5 said:
riot does not prepare you to ranked games, as people play god damn blind pick and then go in ranked and play things like twitch and other not viable champs. i suggest you take a break from ranked and play some normal draft mode, it will help you become better. playing jungle at low elos is very good, play champs like udyr,mundo,maokai alistar and focus on ganking early on, that will definately make the game easy as people don't buy wards and they push without preparing for a gank. if they flash wait a minute then go back and gank, this time they will die. |
Nah. Normal Draft is harder then Ranked Draft quite honestly. You usually end up just playing higher ELO people who are trying out new builds/characters.
For a while I was up there at in the silver range.
Just plunged since then because I can't really "take over" games. I'm more of a passive, try and out CS and wait for ganks type when I'm not in the jungle.
While when I am in the jungle, i often find myself having to abandon it too much to save lanes.