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PapaSmurf5721 - Why don't you suggest what that limit might be?

I think that Tekken 6 won't have much of an immediate boost - but hardware sales might go up about 5-6k per week for ~1 month in Japan because of this game.

MGS4 will be a very frontloaded game sales wise and break 1million within the first two weeks, and proceed to sell around 4-5 million total WW by the end of this generation. I believe that it will boost hardware sales by about 100k (per region) on launch week. Bundles of the game could help the sales of the PS3 maintain a +30k than normal sales for about 2 months.

GT5 will see a huge hardware boost. Possibly around 250k on launch week. Possibly a small increase the week before (like what Halo 3 and the 360 saw). It will also maintain high sales for about 3/4 weeks in Japan, 1 month in the US, 2-3 months in Others.

I would like to see all three bundled by the end of this year in Japan, and possibly adding FFXIII mid-09. I think that would push PS3 h/w sales in Japan up by about 15-20k per week.

FFXIII will sell eleventy-billion consoles day one. The world will head into recession as noone goes into work for the next week, as they're glued to the screens. Sonys shareholders explode, as the PS3 hits 99.99% marketshare, but Sony also lose 36 trillion dollars in one day thanks to selling at a loss.