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If the PS3 had a 300$ price at launch similar to the PS2 it would have sold way more units than the PS2 did.
WOW, you got THE POINT.

Ok you are back to not reading what I say and just rattling off whatever you want. Read the point and then argue. Fact 3 is a point I have been making for a while now actually. Your worthless comparison is made worthless by just this point. If the PS2 had a launch window similar to the PS3 it would have sold way more units than the PS3 did. I don't know why you think I am ignoring this, but it is probably because you aren't actually reading my arguements again.

If you agree with that, then you agree my comparisons are valid. Does replying without actually reading anything count as trolling?

Like MUCH MORE people will buy PS3 for 300$, then for 600$?
REPEAT: just like xbox and ps2? xbox costed more to produce, and when ps2 went to 199$, xbox also did.

And that worked out how well for the Xbox? Oh right it got stomped and lost billions of dollars. Do you really want to use that as a comparison? And yes more people would be willing to buy it for $300, but that is only one small part of the equation. Would they be more willing to buy the $150 wii or $250 360 instead of the PS3.

RICE 600$.
100 mln. psOne. 120 mln. PS2. 20% increase. Are you kidding? How much that should help, when price increased 100% from 300$ to 600$.

Again that is my point. People are likely to gravitate to the cheaper system. Guess which systems will always be cheaper?

250$ PRICE. +Casual non-gamers base.
How many 3rd party Wii games sold over 2 mln.? 1. and ps3 already has 2.

How many million sellers does each system have? How big is the instal base for each system? Which system is easier to turn a profit on? Stop cherry picking.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229