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CrazzyMan said:
Just explain why you think PS3 will win Crazzy.
By winning you mean reaching 100 mln.?
Best exclusive HD games, 199-299$ price, Blu-ray, Free Online, Home, inovative games like LBP.

Once again, best is an opinion, so you can't really use it as an arguement.

Last time I checked (which was... not long ago), the PS3 is at $399, cheapest. Even with a price cut, it'll only be $299, and that's lowest.By the time the PS3 is $199, the Wii and 360 will be cheaper than they are now.

If the PS3 wins through Blu-ray, software companies will lose because blu-ray only buyers will not buy software. Look at PSP software.

Innovative games? Because the Wii doesn't have innovative games? Or does motion controls only "innovative" when you're using the SIXAXIS to steer a dragon?

kirby007 : you misquoted him. I'm pretty sure he said "PS3 will fail because it has too many exclusives and buyers will not know which one to get, so they will instead buy the Wii, which only has 2, Mario and Zelda."

dtewi: same here