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RolStoppable said:
TruckOSaurus said:
The flaws SS has are minor when you look at the whole package offered but when bugs me about them is that most of them were easily avoidable.

Like Fi, giving us the option of skipping her messages would be so easy to do, I mean text speed options have been around since the SNES. Also, like I said in the review, wrap points between the three main areas would have removed a lot of useless flying which in turn would have made flying around to search for treasure chests much more enjoyable since you wouldn't be sick of your slow Loftwing. I also think they should have stuck with pointer controls for the bow and the slingshot because as it is aiming in Twilight Princess is more precise than in Skyward Sword.

What bugs me is that there are so many of these small and easily avoidable flaws in the game, especially because a lot of them had been fixed with Twilight Princess, but are now back.


The sky is just one big disappointment, because it's so empty. And without being able to warp, it's even more annoying.

The final stretch of the game isn't good at all. You would think that the most challenging tasks should be ahead of you, but instead you are solving puzzles, play a stealth mission and collect stuff while swimming/diving. It's just so anti-climatic. It feels like a desperate attempt to stretch the length of the game towards the end of the development cycle. There just wasn't enough time to add another couple of dungeons, so these stupid tasks had to do the trick.

I didn't mind the last part of the game but I agree it wasn't very epic. Maybe they should have reversed the order and have the flames dungeons last instead.

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