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Arcturus said:
Ail said:
Arcturus said:
Ail said:
Arcturus said:
I'm looking forward to Diablo 3, but I'm not sure my laptop can run it. Anyone know if the analyses performed at are accurate?

I don't know that site and I'm not keen on installing their software.

I've been gaming on my work laptop as it is the best computer in the house lol ;) ( I have a beast desktop at work so the laptop is mainly if I work from home and all I do with it is remote desktop). This laptop only has a quadro 1000M with 2G DDR3 for graphics but it has  4x 2.2Ghz cores, 8Gb of RAM and a nice if a little small SSD...( it scores 6.2 on windows experience because of the graphics, everything else is 7.5 or above, although I have no clue what that means).

I don't feel bad gaming on company property because I told them when they gave it to me that it was way too powerfull for what i would do with it ( ie : remote desltop).


Anyway this laptop runs Starcraft 2 very well, Shogun Total War 2 is very slow on it though.

But I checked Diablo 3 specs and I am above the recommanded specs for cpu and above  minimum spec for graphics so I should be fine ( my quadro 1000M is 50% better than the minimum recommanded graphic card it seems).


Best way to see if your laptop can run Diablo 3 is check your graphic card score at

The minimum spec card for D3 is a Geoforce 7800 GT which scores a pityfull 521... ( my quadro is 772, the best desktop  cards these days are over 3000, the best laptops cards around 2000).

Although to be honest you won't see any laptop with a card scoring 2000 as good laptops cards cost a fortune compared to good desktop cards ( a quadro 5000 that scores 2300 cost 1800$, a desktop geoforce GTX 580 that scores 3900 ( the best scoring card ) cost 410$...). The quadro 6000 that scores 3176 cost 4000$ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!( which means you can probably build a gaming laptop that cost like 7000$................)

The very little PC gaming I do is on my work laptop as well. It's a decent machine with two 2.5GHz cores and 8 GB of ram.

I can't seem to find my video card on that benchmarking site. I've found it here though:

the site you mention has my card too.

if you compare their results  my card gets about double the score of yours on the metrics they share ( 3D Mark 05 and 06).

So your card might actually be bellow the minimu specs for D3 but not by much..........


Thanks for your help.

It seems to me that your laptop is bellow the minimal specs for graphics but above for cpu, it might run but it won't be very smooth...

Best advice right now would be to get in the beta if you can to test the game or wait till Blizzard releases some free restricted copy of D3 to test it........

PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !