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Viper1 said:
DanneSandin said:
Viper1 said:

Naturally.  But it's far easier to continue support if you've started support from the beginning than to not support it at first and then try to shoehorn support into your plans later on.

Considering easrly support is far greater with Wii U than Wii and that the capabilites of the system ensure shared assets, game engines, modern prorammable shaders, full online infrastructure, I don't understand why so much doubt.

i agree completly with your points, cuz its good ones. but i am however worried on a personal level that wiiu wont keep its initual support for one reason or another. it might prove to difficult to use the tablet in a unique fashion, kojima stated that he wont develop anything for wiiu unless it takes advantage of the tablet, or it might be that when the next playstation and or xbox wiiu wont be able to keep up to their standards...

Kojima (aside from being just 1 developer, has never supported a Nintendo console before....ever.  Until the 3DS with MGS3) simply is reiterating his long held work philosphy that he wants to utilize all facets of the hardware that he can when he develops for something.  I can assure you he instantly knew how to work with the Wii U tablet controller as soon as he saw it (think Solid Eye, Camo suit, Metal Gear Mk series, etc...).

As for PS4 and Next, not a problem.  Because the Wii U will have programmable shaders and be 'strong enough', game assets, game engines and the like can be shared across the platforms.  And the online infrastructure will not hold it back either.   Even if the PS4 and Next X are much more powerful than the Wii U, 3rd parties will still find it much easier to support than the Wii was.  Think of it like PC scalability.   Games can run on anything from an HD 6990 to an HD 4670. 

I'd say that whether or not GTA V makes it to the WiiU we can start making assumptions if WiiU will get strong 3rd party support. As far as I know WiiU will get a few year OLD games (Batman: AC) and games that might be one month old (AC3). Yes we'll get Killer Freaks on launch - but it still doesn't look good that we'll just get old ports for the most part.

All I'm saying is that Nintendo needs to sell the shit out of this console to get hardcore gamers attention, cuz a lot of the casual market have moved on...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.