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AndrewWK said:

The links are much apreciatet, but they didn´t help me with my problem

Maybe you can... I´am on Eryth Sea and lokking for the "Kuttel"(I don´t know there english name) Hideoutbut I couldn´t find it anywhere kuttel are those small guys that use to ride on this green Ogre´s


Edit: Rol was faster.



i just made the most stupid thing in my gaming career so far.. (i think ) ..

i always wondered why the Enemies tend to switch over to Shulk once i used the Monado Skill - and yes, i give my tank some seconds to build up his rage - .. and now, 45 Hours in, while doing serious Party/Weaponry optimizing (i tend to unleash the shit out of numbers in RPG when i feel the game comes to a close soon), i noticed that... that i... i linked REYN(TIME!)'s, and Dundun's (BOW TO THE HEROPON!) passive Rage-Skills to Shulk..



Yeah... The Problem was that the Words Rage and Courage are quite similar in German, Rage beeing written "Wut", and Courage beeing written "Mut".. and i think i just didnt watch close enough.. ..while i'll stop playing for today, i expect to see that Shulk isnt the Punching bag he used to be anymore.. dear god, proofreading this text, i laughed about how hilarious this sounds. XD .. No Shulkiting anymore i guess. (tho' Running around as shulk with all the Rage on him is working pretty well, and Melia and Sharla can both deal damage on Range, meaning that they can stay in safe ground, away from the enemy.. lol!)

I'm a Foreigner, and as such, i am grateful for everyone pointing out any mistakes in my english posted above - only this way i'll be able to improve. thank you!