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RolStoppable said:

Combat is something new and real time. The system isn't really thought through and has some flaws. Also, not much variety, because your party has barely any special abilities.

Pandora's Tower works in what it does. It's nothing special, but the action is good enough and the same goes for its RPG elements. And contrary to The Last Story, a love story actually works for the setup, because you are only controlling one single character all game. In TLS it's like your party is just a bunch of more or less random people who were an afterthought.

Hmmm... Can't say that I'm getting more excited for TLS, sadly... I've seen some fottage of Pandoras and thinking of buying it, but you're not promoting TLS in my eyes ^^ I'll play Xenoblade later today, but as I understand it it's the best of the three Rainfall games?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.