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To be honest. I didn't really like the art direction they took with Diablo 3. It feels wowified from an art perspective.
Diablo was always fairly dark and grim, Diablo 3 it looks like they threw in some bright cheery colours where-ever possible; even inside a crypt.

From the short amount of time I played it though, I miss throwing stat points onto something, I miss shoving points into a skill to boost it up. - They dumbed it down in other words, everything is linear as far as character building goes.

I also dislike the always-on internet connection requirement, but I guess it's fairly normal this day and age.

And... Again, Where is my stinking Eyefinity support Blizzard? I hate playing games at only 1920x1080.

The plus side though is that, Diablo 1 and 2's story was pretty crap, Blizzard have done some great strides in improving the lore and story it seems, their is bit more interaction with the characters this time around as well, not to mention audio logs/books to add more depth to the story telling.

The game is also very light on the system requirements, it will even run on a sun-dial, again nothing unexpected with Blizzard. But it is lighter on the system than StarCraft 2 which is very CPU heavy in large battles.

Blizzard are playing it safe with Diablo 3, nothing really new or ground breaking, much like StarCraft 2.
But, that's also not a bad thing, Diablo 2 and StarCraft 1 were highly regarded games and easily some of the best games in their respective genre's, so it makes sense to stick with something that works and build on it.

It's a definite buy for me.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--