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If they reduced the size of the current playstaion A.K.A make a "slim" version, they would save millions in transport alone. Then there's the cost reduction of the materials used for the surrounding case and a million more factors.

Having a smaller Blu-ray diode however will hardly make an impact at all. It seems many people are under the impression that the blu-ray diode has the size of a refrigerator and making it smaller will provide the key to making a "slim" PS3. That is absolutely not the case, it will hardly make up for a cubic inch in room that will be saved.

Now look at the powersupply, the GPU and CPU and ram. There you can make some real gains in losing size and making more profit. Making a smaller diode just sounds very good in the still ongoing war against HD-dvd that they are stomping into the ground, as far as the PS3 goes it makes no real difference.

All consoles will get new "slim" models because they proven themselves as financial wonders with the DS and recent salesspike of the PSP as prime examples.

EDIT: seems Munkeh111 said the same thing about the powersupply as me while I was typing that. I just wanna make it clear that I said it cooler.

PSN name: Gazz1979 (feel free to add me, but please put your Vgchartz name in the message!)

Battlefield 2: Gazz1979