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lestatdark said:
Panama said:
Snesboy said:
Panama said:

After a few hours of playing it's 'nice' to see that Bnet 2.0 is as bad as ever, I'll leave it at that though to avoid getting berated by ignorant fans.

Also for the oddest of reasons it's more graphically taxing than Witcher 2 despite being the far uglier game, I can only assume it's a lack of driver support at the moment and will be ironed out by or after launch.

What drivers are you running? My Intel/Nvidia buddy was running it just fine. As for me, Mr. AMD, I was running it, just fine. And taxing? An Xbox could run this game.

Bnet2.0 isn't that bad. They finally linked interactivity with D3 beta and SC2/WoW. Before, you couldn't do that. Joining a party and talking to your friends is simple. Group chat I don't care about but it seemed easy enough. As for no LAN, you really have 3 other computers just lying around that can play this game? I mean...I have 2 but still....

However, don't call me ignorant. I love Blizzard as much as the next guy, unless you're the next guy lol, but Bnet 2.0 is not that crippled. Not as much as it was 2 years ago.

That's generally what lan parties are for and its also good from a competitive perspective, it's why Valve went out of their way to ensure DotA 2 has LAN. Though I don't think the lack of lan will be detrimental to the game, what's really detrimental is the fact I need to go online to play the damn thing single player, but hey the best part of D2 I thought was the multiplayer eitherway.

As for the game, just finished the beta, I like the majority of what I saw, I find it extremely odd that you have so much flexibility in what you can do with NPCs, whether it be artisans or followers, yet when it comes to your own character, you're rail roaded and learn set skills at specific levels and can't choose to distribute your stats to your liking. Also for the entirety of the game I held down the left mouse button with the occasional right click without ever consuming a potion, they really need to improve the normal difficulty, because these days Normal seems to mean 'braindead'. I'm aware that Hardcore will be in the game, but I shouldn't need to play a mode that kills me permanently just to get a slight degree of challenge.

My major gripe though and I believe this is exclusive to people in SEA/ANZ, there was constant lag, I was teleporting at some instances without using the Monks teleport auto attack. If this is how the final game is due to us being forced to play on American servers, I can see myself canceling my pre-order along with many others, however I'll wait and see what some local reviews say about it upon release. I just don't get how a company as large as Blizzard can't afford both SEA and ANZ servers. Hi Rez has local servers for Tribes Ascend which just makes it all the more pathetic. I doubt Blizzard care though, we're nothing more than a speck on their sales charts.

Haven't played the DIII beta myself, but to be fair, Normal difficulty on Diablo II wasn't that hard as well. Even at Players 4 or above modifier you can go through Normal without dying once, and with proper builds, without even getting hit once. Diablo II only really started being challenging on Act II Nightmare.

I really don't remember just mindlessly mashing away on my mouse and beating D2, but hey we'll see with the final product I guess.