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ok, apparently (I've read this from IGN cause I dont speak japanese) the new pokedex app will cost 1,500yen, so around 18$, if true their is no way in hell I'm buying it...

I know they talked about Animal Crossing, I saw the screens but I have no idea what they said, can anyone tell me if they said anything interesting?

Mario Kart and KI:U getting patched, I'm excited about this because I always new that KI:U was the perfect game for nintendo to jump into the 21st century. I wished this game could get DLC, its perfect for DLC, could add new powers and new weapons and maybe even new short story arcs (like 3 to 5 new stages). Sadly I think this patch will only add new control option (which is also cool but I'm currently fine with the controls the way they are). HOPEFULLY they will FINALLY fix Maku Wuhhu for Mario Kart, I HATE THAT TRACK!!!! everytime I wanna play online and play play a fair game just to have fun and I get that 40sec track where it all comes to whoever gets to jump in the river the right way first wins I wanna just trow my 3ds into a wall lol. Anyway it would be rly cool if anyone who speaks japanese could give us more information about these patchs. (also that video about kid icarus tricks for multiplayer where they showed tips on how using some powers rly looked awesome, shame I couldn't understand most of it :( )

Other than that I'm happy for folders, making a folder for videos, a other for demos and a other for all my mario games will be rly helpful. (if anyone knows when we are getting that software update and if their is anything else in that update plz say so :P ). Mario Tennis: Open is looking great and New Super Mario Bros:2 = WOOT!


What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)

Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)