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I'm neither for nor against the building of fission reactors, but if you are for it you have to dismiss all of these points:

1. Risk of accident

Every project, no matter how well managed, has a safety risk. Eventually another nuclear disaster will occur, especially if a program to build lots of them at once is started.

2. Non-renewable

The supply of fissile substances will run out within a few hundred years at current consumption levels. If you are proposing a large scale rollout that would be cut drastically.

3. Security risk

It only takes one breach of security at one nuclear plant anywhere in the world at any time in the future and terrorists would be able to set off a radioactive bomb and make a large area of a city uninhabitable. Another risk is nuclear proliferation: if countries other than present are allowed to build civilian reactors they will be able to manufacture weapons quite easily.

4. Waste

The waste may seem safe now, underground, but in a million years it will still be dangerous and we cannot guarantee a minor tectonic event won't occur in that time. In addition, if future people discover the dumps, they may not know the hazard. This problem will only increase if more plants are built.

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