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zero129 said:
Mazty said:
Barozi said:
BenVTrigger said:
@ Mazty

Ranting? I'm not even mad I really don't care if Halo sells 50 copies or 100 bazillion copies the only reason I'm arguing with you is because your wrong, otherwise I could care less.

People who parade around with an agenda are boring especially when they are simply arguing cirles like you are just to try to stay in the conversation. Whats ironic is you keep telling people to state numbers and facts to back up what they are saying. Me and Barozi have both done so. Posted exact sales, how much MS gains in cash from both, etc. And yet you yourself have yet to post a single statistical fact.

So please good sir, explain to us with detailed numbers and math how COD gains MS more money than Halo.

Well said. Haven't seen a single link or logical explanation that would back up his claims. We did our part, now it's his turn.

Sorry, do you not have access to

Do you know how Durango will get by without using bluray?

Do you know how much net profits are from the Halo franchise and Xbox Live? Because so far only gross profits have been shown, or guestimated, which is pretty piss poor. Care to state how I'm being illogical? For a moderator you are taking a highly unprofessional condescending tone. 

Why dont you shut up or put up. You have been ranting on for ages in here repeating your self over and over, you have been showing numbers by 2 users, you have been proving wrong a number of times. So if you think you are right, SHOW YOUR NUMBERS, if you cant do that shut up and l;eave the thread as you are adding nothing to it. Hell if i was a mod id give you a warning for clear trolling of a topic.....

Go to and you can see that MW2, 3 and BO are more expensive then Halo 3, ODST and Reach.

Also, you have only shown gross profits, which are completely useless. We need to know net profit to assess the value of profits. The level of financial ignorance on this site is alarming. The fact you think gross profits prove I'm wrong shows you quoted a post you don't even understand. The only post that is of zero value is yours, unless you wanted to demonstrate how little you know of economics. 

I have been clear and concise every time I have made my points, with people thinking that half-baked and incorrect rebutals are of some value. I'm trolling in your eyes because I know the difference between gross and net profit? Keep at it bud. 

Also you think talking about the profits of the 360 on a thread about the XBox division losing $229 million could be seen as trolling? Are you for real?